OTM x 12 Odd - 6 T&G Snatch (50%) Even - 1-6 Muscle ups or Ring Row + Dip Rest 5 mins then: For time: 50 Box Jumps (24") 35 Burpees 20 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
Another fun weekend of The Open is done! This week, all the houses brought a new level of Spirit to our Saturday throwdown. Balloons, streamers, treats, posters, awesome outfits, and some wacky photoshopping of David and Jocelyn's faces! What ultimately tipped the scales this week, was House Purple with their outside-the-box thinking to create boards celebrating great moments and achievements of ALL our athletes. We love this because it embodies principle #1 of BRIO which is "Be Excellent to Each Other". So while we're wearing our colors and competing against the other houses, it's great to remember we're all one big Team!!
The TECHNIQUE award this week goes to Tara C from the Purple Cobras. She chose to accept the challenge of the RX version of the WOD and attacked all of the heavy deadlifts without compromising her positioning. While many of us were guilty of "Deadbending", Tara made good choices and kept each of her reps looking sharp.
The HUSTLER award goes to Cindy P from the pREDators. Her judge noted that every time she dropped the ball on wallballs she counted down 5sec on her fingers then picked it up and kept going. She stayed mentally strong the whole way through and kept herself accountable to short rests. Awesome!
Don't forget to get your scores in before 6pm tonight. Then it's on to the final week!