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Sunday June 4, 2017

Day 2 had us like: yayyyyyy!!! Team BRIO executed very well on events 3 and 4, thanks to some great cohesion, teamwork, and communication. Bar muscle ups were flowing for all in the first event of the morning, and they got some redemption with the worm in event 4, going all 6 sets of 30 push press without needing to set it down. A 14th and 15th place finish on the day's events moved us up 3 spots overall into 17th. Bring on day 3!


5 rounds 15 toe to bar 30 Wallballs (20/14) 45 double unders


11am Monster Mash - a high volume dose of pure CrossFit designed for the experienced CrossFitter

3 rounds 10 clean & Jerk (135/95) 10 Burpee Pull ups Rest 5 mins 3 rounds 15 Toe to Bar 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 45 double unders Rest 5 mins 30 Push Press 30 Front Rack Lunge 30 Front Squat 30 Push Jerk 30 Back Rack Lunge 30 Back Squat (95/65)

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