November of 2018 marks ten years since Jocelyn and David first leased a little space on Central Ave and called it BRIO. Back then we had mirrors, a bosu ball, and no friends to do CrossFit with other than each other! We'll be doing lots of reminiscing, and celebrating the people that have made this community the absolute amazing thing that it is all month long! Capping off the festivities will be our 10 Year Anniversary Ugly Sweater Potluck and Curling Party on Dec 8 at the Granite Curling Club from 1 - 4pm. Save the date! We hope to see you all there!!
OTM x 30
1) 2 Back Squat
build from 60%
2) 5 DB Press
At 7/10 difficulty (70%)
3) 5 Strict Pull up
Weighted if able