KB swings (16/12kg)
Sit ups
Cashout - EMOM x 12
Odd - Double Unders
Even - Choice gymnastics Skill
Friday Apr 5 - BRING A FRIEND DAY. Visitors are welcome to join us in any class, all day long, at either location.
Sun Apr 7 - "Say bye to Blondeau!" Coach Brandon has accepted a new job in Calgary and will be moving in a few weeks. He's coaching Sunday morning at BRIO East if you'd like to swing by for a high five. We'll be doing a weight vest workout with him at 11am in the Monster Mash as well!
Apr 23 - 26 - CrossFit Kids Easter Break Day Camp. Ages 6-14. Register here!
Sat May 11 - Step up for Mental Health 5k or 10k run/walk. It's capped at 2000 participants so be sure to register asap if you're planning to run!