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Tues May 28, 2019

OT90 X 5: Pause Front Squat + Front Squat

- Build from 60%

3 rounds for time of:

12 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs

12 Burpee Pull-ups


New on the schedule for the summer at 6:45-7:30pm at our East location:

Mon - BARBELL TECHNIQUE with Jocelyn Take the time to break down and hone the skill of your snatch and clean & jerk. Excellent practice time for beginners to advanced lifters alike.

Tues - GYMNASTICS SKILLS This is practice and development time for all your bodyweight movements. Master your butterfly pull ups, muscle ups, handstand walking, toes to bar, etc.

Wed - DOUBLE DAY If you're training for an upcoming competition or you'd just like to try out a bit more volume, this is your chance for a double workout day. You can add this before or after your regular evening WOD or pair it with a morning WOD for a bit more recovery time in between.

Thurs - TRAINING YARD Your chance to play with all the fun things we have in the backyard! Scale walls, flip tires, traverse p-bars, huck kegs, heave logs, and so much more. Great training if you're planning to do a Spartan race or mud run this summer.

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