3 rounds
5 min AMRAP
14 Barbell Lunge*
12 Box Jump
10 Toes to Bar
5 min rest
*Round 1 - Overhead
Round 2 - Front
Round 3 - Back
If you've been following the news regarding (now former) CrossFit Inc CEO Greg Glassman this week, we welcome you to join in on a conversation about it here over in our member's forum.
If you don't geek out on CrossFit news, just know that nothing about the guiding principles under which we operate will ever change.
(1) Be Excellent to Each Other
(2) Make Good Choices
(3) Leave No Doubt
We were BRIO before we were ever an official CrossFit gym and we'll continue to be the same welcoming place for you to work on being the best version of yourself, surrounded by like-minded and supportive people striving to do the same ❤