Equipment return takes place today from 4-6pm and tomorrow from 9am - noon at both locations. Please return items to whichever location you borrowed them from. Thanks for taking such good care of our stuff :-)
Live on Zoom
*Note: tomorrow's Zoom class will be at 9am
Warm Up
2 Rounds:
30 Single Skips
5 Push Ups
30 Single Skips
5 Sit Ups
30 Single Skips
5 burpees
10 Supermans
10 Knee to Opposite Elbow
10 Hand to Opposite ankle
Bird Dogs 3 x 10 sec hold each side
10 Russian Baby Makers
10 Good Mornings
10 Drinky birds each leg
10 Stiff Leg Deadlifts (barbell or DB)
15 min AMRAP
15 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Jerk
Use a barbell weight that you can do at least the first 3 rounds unbroken. With a dumbbell, be sure to switch hands each round.
1 min each
Pigeon (R/L)
Reverse Hurdler (R/L)
Puppy dog
Child's pose