Friday the 13th got us like...
For time:
100 Double Unders
20 Overhead Lunges
100 Double Unders
30 Front Rack Lunges
100 Double Unders
40 Back Rack Lunges
100 Double Unders
RX 95/65
Beast 135/95
Well guys, Saskatchewan has it's first official case of COVID-19. You will see our awesome staff doing everything we can to keep the gym clean (and luckily we're stocked up on TP!), but we'd appreciate your help with the following:
- Wash your hands!!! OMG please. Wash them. When you arrive at the gym and also when you're done working out.
- Wipe down your equipment with the lysol wipes when finished
- Refrain from high fives (sad I know) and opt for the foot five instead
- Most importantly... If you are feeling even a little bit sick, please please please do not come to the gym! Even if it's just a regular cold/flu, nobody wants that either.