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Fri Mar 5, 2021

The Open starts March 11 and we'll be doing it as the Workout of the Day on Fridays for 3 weeks starting March 12. For each workout there will be RX, Scaled, Foundations, and No-Equipment versions as well as Teens, Masters, and even 8 different Adaptive Athlete categories. The Open is designed to be as inclusive to as many people as possible in the global CrossFit community. EVERYONE SHOULD PARTICIPATE! If you're signing in for a class next Friday, please make sure you're familiar with what's going on. We made a video for ya to explain all the ins and outs :-)

For more details, visit

and to register, head to

OTM x 7: 1 Snatch


For time:

**with weight at (RX=135/95) (Scaled=95/65)**

5-4-3-2-1 Snatches

5 Burpees after each set

**Change weight to (RX=155/105)(Scaled=115/80)**

5-4-3-2-1 Snatches

5 Burpees after each set

**Change weight to (RX=185/125)(Scaled=135/95)**

5-4-3-2-1 Snatches

5 Burpees after each set

15 min time cap


Happy Birthday today to Dan H!!



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