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Fri May 29, 2020

Here's the latest re-opening update, including

  • new protocols

  • equipment return

  • locker rooms and showers

  • kids in the gym

  • the CrossFit kids program

  • programming and workouts when we return


Ball Roll:

- Shoulder/Chest

- Lats

- Quads

- Glutes

10 Good mornings

10 Drinky Birds

10 Bird Dogs

10 Scap Push ups

5 Push ups

10 Scap Pull ups

5 Pull ups

10 Lunges

10 DB Hang CLean & Jerk


20 min AMRAP

8 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (R)

8 Overhead Lunge (R)

8 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (L)

8 Overhead Lunge (L)

8 Strict Pull ups (or ring rows or bent over rows)


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