Tomorrow at 12:30pm I'm putting on a free Nutrition 101 Seminar. This is open to anyone and everyone (don't have to be a BRIO member)! Save your spot at We'll be embarking on a 2 hour journey through the basics of nutrition from calories, to the macronutrients, to the hormones related to fat storage, appetite, hunger, and muscle. I'll be breaking down complex and overwhelming information into clear and simple concepts that will help you navigate the confusing, and often contradictory world of nutrition science. Everything you need to know to be happy, healthy, and strong!
EMOM x10:
Odd: 3 Deadlift
Even: Rope Climb
EMOM x10:
Odd: 3 Front squat
Even: Strict HSPU or Push ups
Tomorrow is also BRING A FRIEND Day! Visitors are welcome to join us for a free workout in any class all day long. Save a spot at
**Please make that friends know proof of vaccination or negative COVID test is a Sask provincial requirement to enter gyms and fitness facilities.