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Mon June 8, 2020

First day back in the gym got us like.... (except 12ft apart!)

OTM x 7: 1 Clean & Jerk

3 rounds

3 min AMRAP

7 Power Clean

7 Push Jerk

10/7 Cals Row or Bike

rest 1 min


Things to know for today:

  • if you borrowed a barbell from the gym and got a block of chalk, please bring it with you. If you didn't get one we've got them at the box for ya too!

  • we're not supposed to congregate in the entrance/waiting areas so please try to arrive no more than 5 minutes before the start of your class

  • if possible, come to the gym already changed since the change room/shower areas are off limits (bathrooms still available of course though!)

  • lockers are also not available, so please limit the amount of luggage (ha!) you have with you


In case you missed it, we posted this on our social media yesterday...

BRIO is home to people of all different races, sexualities, backgrounds, cultures, and careers. This is a safe and welcoming place for anyone interested in working hard to better themselves. The only people not welcome here are those not focused on improving themselves first and their communities next. We’re cautious not to engage in polarizing “us vs them” mentality that seems to remove the compassion, understanding, and humanity that the world is so greatly in need of right now. Sweaty in our gym clothes, there is only US.

For a long time we’ve recognized that any person that has the time, means, and opportunity to join our gym is already living a life of privilege. It’s our view that we should use this position to HELP other people whenever we can. For years and years we’ve linked every fun fitness event to a local community or charity project. During the last few months of lockdown alone, the BRIO Community made dozens of donations to our local food bank, bought over 100 meals for healthcare workers, picked up garbage from our local parks, and bagged 160 homemade meals for the Lighthouse homeless shelter.

All these projects came from a member with a cool idea. Although we’re not in the USA, our hearts are open to the #blacklivesmatter movement. Awareness and support is a great start, but we’d like to follow that with real actions that make a real difference. We are committed to BEING the change we want to see in the world. If you have any ideas on how we can help lift up those around us, we’re all ears!

CrossFit to us is the methodology, the mindset of self-improvement, and the community of people committed to supporting each other for the betterment of ALL. Recent tweets and messages from CF’s CEO this weekend do not align with these values, creating division at a time when we need unity. We’ve been working our butts off this weekend to re-open safely for our members tomorrow, so we haven’t had time to fully understand and digest what the heck is going on. But one thing is for sure: we would never condone or support a message born out of hate or intolerance.


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