Guys!! Big news!!!
We're making a major switch in the software we use behind the scenes. Since 2008 we have used a gym management tool called Mindbody to run our class schedule and sign in. Unfortunately, for several years now, we have been frustrated with the lack of modern functionality and the woeful inadequacy of their app. So we're finally taking the plunge to switch operating systems so that we can bring you an all new and improved CF BRIO app! This high powered, fully customized app has so many cool features:
The homepage will keep you up to date with news, events, schedule changes, and the latest episode of the BRIO in the Box Podcast.
You can view, like, and comment on the Workout of the Day directly in the app
You can book, waitlist, and cancel classes (just like before)
Purchase any retail items at the gym using the self-checkout feature. No more QR codes!
Keep in touch with your gym buddies via community groups. They work just like Facebook groups, but without needing to be on social media
Sunday Nov 28 will be the last day to sign in for classes using the old BRIO app and our Mindbody system. For classes on Mon Nov 29 and beyond, you'll sign in for classes on the new app+website based system. Booking in the new system opens 7 days ahead (just like before), so booking for Mon Nov 29 will be available tomorrow.
You can download the app for apple and android now! When signing in the first time, use the same email address you have on file with us (that you used in the old app). This new system is all website based, so this will be the same profile that you use to view the workout of the day at and make purchases via the website at
If you have questions, please get in touch with us! David and I be on hand this week if you run into any troubles getting set up. We super-duper appreciate your patience while we make the switch. We are committed to evolving and improving to make CF BRIO the best possible fitness community experience out there!
OT90x6: Power clean 3-3-2-2-1-1
"The Chief "
For 5 cycles:
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
3 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 min between each cycle. Start at the top each time.
compare to Feb 1/21, March 29/20, july 22/19