Holiday partner WOD today at 10am and 11am at BRIO South! 20 min AMRAP 30 Overhead Lunge (45/25) 20 Weighted Sit up 10 Push up (plate on back) Run 200m Reps can be split with partner anyway, run is done together. If the plate touches the gound at any point both partners do 20 burpees

Aaaaaand that's a wrap for the 2017 CrossFit Games!
Iain finished The Open in 29th place, the Masters Qualifer in 15th, and closed out the CrossFit Games as the 10th fittest man IN THE WORLD in the 40-44 masters division!!!
This was a truly incredible season for @imac4.0! It had it's ups and downs but he pulled out an intense focus and resolve that landed him among the best in the game. At the end of the final event, his judge said "thanks for making my job so easy!" - something we consider to be the highest compliment an athlete can receive!
Iain LIVES the core of what BRIO is all about and it's a privledge to have him in our community each and every day :-)