Sunday Classes at BRIO South starting today! Both locations are now open 7 days a week giving you the MOST options to get your fitness in!
For Time:
10 Squat Clean (135/95 or 50%) 6 Muscle ups or 12 ring dip 8 Squat Clean (185/135 or 60%) 5 Muscle ups or 10 Ring dip 6 Squat Clean (225/155 or 70%) 4 muscle ups or 8 Ring dips 4 Squat Clean (255/175 or 80%) 3 Muscle ups or 6 Ring dips 2 Squat Clean (275/185 or 90%) 2 Muscle up or 4 Ring dips
11am Monster Mash - a high volume dose of pure CrossFit designed for the experienced CrossFitter
10 Squat Clean (135/95) 10/6 Muscle ups 8 Squat Clean (185/135) 8/5 Muscle ups 6 Squat Clean (225/155) 6/4 muscle ups 4 Squat Clean (255/175) 4/3 Muscle ups 2 Squat Clean (275/185) 2/2 Muscle up 4 rounds Run 200m Max T2B Rest 2 mins between 3 rounds, not for time 10 Db Bench, alternating 6-10 GHR 5 per side KB side Squat 20-30 sec Front Rack Hold