12 min AMRAP 50' Single DB OH Lunge (50/35) 16 DB Snatch (950/35) 8 Burpee pull ups -------------------------------
6:45pm Weakness WOD (BRIO East):
Weightlifting: Clean & Jerk – 70% x 3+1 x 2, 75% x 3+1 x 2 Clean Pull – 80% x 5 x 3 Back Squat – 75% x 5 x 3 Gymnastics: 3 sets - Kipping Pull ups Pull up Negatives Handstand hold with plate step - 5 sets of 10 steps SHSPU - Negatives - 4 sets of 3-5 reps OTM x 8 Odd - Ring dip Even - Seated Ring Pull up 4 rounds 15 Sit ups 15 Sec Hollow body hold 30 secs rest Conditioning: Run for max distance in 25 min or Row for 15 mins Rest 5 min OTM x 6 7 second max effort sprint (15 for rower)