Both avid snowboarders, David and Jocelyn start out this episode answering a question from the community: Do you do anything special to prepare for ski/snowboard season?
Jocelyn recently delivered her Nutrition 101 seminar at BRIO. Here we discuss some updated stats she shared in person at the course on the current state of health. Did you know fully 51% of adults now are diabetic or prediabetic? That 10% of CHILDREN have fatty liver disease? Or that the average person spends the last 14 years of their life in poor health?
We're all gambling with our future in one way or another. Assuming we'd like things to go well, Jocelyn answers the next question from the community "what biomarkers or tests should we have done to monitor our health?"
Monday Oct 28
6 cycles of...
In 2 mins
5 Squat Clean (185/125)
5 Burpee Box Jump (36")
Max Double unders
rest 2 mins
9:30 Class
6 rounds
In 2 mins
5 Burpees
10 Deadlift
15 Goblet Squat
Max Ski Cals
2 min Rest
Tuesday Oct 29
OT90 x6: Press 6-1-6-1-6-1
OT2M x6: Back Squat 6-1-6-1-6-1
2 min Farmer Carry Bodyweight or Max weight
Wednesday Oct 30
🎉🎈🎂🎁 Happy Birthday today to Ben Vander Kooi!!
14 min AMRepAP
60 Cal Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Balls
30 Cleans (135/95)
20 Muscle ups
Compare to Feb 10/24
45 sec hold, 15 sec rest
High Front Plank
Right Side Plank
Left Side Plank
Low Front Plank
Hollow Hold
Superman Hold
9:30 Class
60/45 Cal Row
50 Leg Raise
40 Wall Ball/DB thruster
30 KB swing
20 Pull ups
45 sec hold, 15 sec rest
High Front Plank
Right Side Plank
Left Side Plank
Low Front Plank
Hollow Hold
Superman Hold
Thursday Oct 31
🎃👻🎭 It's Halloween costume day! One of our favorites of the year!
2 rounds
In 90 sec
12/8 Cal Bike
Max Burpees
- 30 sec rest-
In 90 sec
12/8 Cal Ski
Max Reverse Burpees
-30 sec rest-
In 90 secs
12 Burpees
Max Bike Cal
- 30 sec rest-
In 90 sec
12 Reverse Burpees
Max Ski Cals
OT90 x 6
Odd) 10 Romanian Deadlift
Even) 10 DB Bench Press
Friday Nov 1
OT3.5M x 3
9 Front Squat @70% + strict or weighted Pull ups or BMU
10 Min AMRAP
5 Wall Walk
300' Shuttle Run
9:30 Class
OT3.5M x 3
9 Front Squat + strict Pull ups or Ring rows+bar hang
10 Min AMRAP
3 Renegade Row
50' Front Rack Carry
10 DB Step ups (20/16")
Saturday Nov 2
🎁🎂🎈🎉 Happy Birthday today to Jenny Calow!!
Clean & Jerk x 1 OT90 x 10
OT90 x 18
1) 12 Deadlift (155/105)
9 Hang Power Clean (155/105)
6 Push Jerk (155/105)
2) 12 GHD sit ups + 12/8 Ski Cals
3) Rest
Compare to March 11/24
Sunday Nov 3
With a partner
4 mins at each:
Bike Cals
Overhead Lunge (95/65)
Row Cals
Front Rack Lunge (135/95)
Ski Cals
Back Rack Lunge (185/125)
Compare to May 3/24