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Wednesday May 3, 2017

10 Snatches 10 Thrusters 10 Clean & Jerks 185/135 or 75% of lowest lift

3 RFT: 20 Cal Row 15 Ring Dips 10 DB Snatch (75/50)



From Coach Courtney, RD

Recovery is an essential part of any fitness routine - especially if performance is your priority. It is not the workout alone that increase endurance, strength and builds muscle but the body’s ability to adapt and heal from the physical stressor. Exercise will make us stronger, leaner, fitter, and more muscular but not without the proper nutrition to repair and replenish. Without the proper fuel, we don't reap the full benefits of our workout including improved performance, body composition, energy, and the prevention of injury. Post-workout nutrition is an intriguing topic and can be discussed in great depth. As a general overview, post-workout nutrition has three specific purposes:

  1. Replenish glycogen (the way our body stores carbohydrate for energy in our muscles)

  2. Rehydrate to replace fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat.

  3. Decrease protein breakdown and increase protein synthesis

1. Carbohydrates to restore Recharging with carbohydrates restores muscle glycogen - the energy burned in our muscles during exercise. Consuming carbohydrate post-workout allows the body to restore glycogen so that you feel recovered and ready to tackle your next workout. Post-workout carbohydrate consumption becomes increasingly important if you have back-to-back exercise sessions planned. The duration and intensity of your workout will affect the amount of carbohydrate you should have post-workout. Start by having a small serving of carbohydrate as a snack after your workout like a banana, a couple of rice cakes, or rice (as shown in the recipe below). 2. Protein to build Our muscles need protein to grow and repair after training. Having a protein source after resistance exercise promotes muscle gain and increases lean body mass. While carbohydrate restoration post-exercise is essential, dietary protein should also be consumed to repair muscle. Protein requirements are individualized to personal goals, muscle mass, and exercise type. 3. Fluids to rehydrate Being well-hydrated is important for overall health but also for exercise performance. When you exercise, you lose fluids and electrolytes through sweat and respiration. If you are dehydrated, your blood volume decreases making it difficult for your muscles to access the oxygen and nutrients needed to recover. The duration and intensity of your workout will affect the amount of fluids you require. Sip fluids after training (but avoid using your water bottle as an excuse to take breaks between exercises - ha!). Keep in mind that you may need more fluids depending on the environmental conditions. If it is hot or windy you may lose more fluid through sweat!

Summary Optimizing post-workout nutrition enables athletes or exercisers to increase performance, reduce muscle performance, improve body composition, and enable their bodies to remain injury-free. Ideally, your post-workout nutrition is consumed shortly after your workout as this is the time where your muscles are primed to accept nutrients that can stimulate muscle repair. Whole food digests slowly, and we want nutrients to be available quickly. Thus, many athletes opt for a liquid forms of carbohydrate and protein (eg. dextrose and/or protein powders). However, you could certainly eat a whole food meal to meet your requirements for protein and carbohydrate. If you’re prioritizing fat loss over performance and recovery, a post-workout recovery drink may be less satiating than the nutrition you would obtain from whole, minimally processed protein and carb sources. Note: Reserve post-workout snacks or recovery drinks specifically for high intensity training or endurance training lasting longer than 45-60 minutes. Casual exercise like walking the dog doesn’t count! Specific post-workout needs will vary based on individual goals, body composition, and workout intensity, type, and duration. For example, the recipe below is a great portion for women. I recommend that men increasing the serving of protein powder to 1 full scoop. Carbohydrate needs may increase depending on the type, duration, and intensity of training in which case the portion of rice could increase.


  • 1/2 cup rice, cooked

  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder *

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened milk (cashew or almond work well)

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • dash of salt

  • 5g chia seeds **


  1. Cook a batch of rice and store it in the fridge. It makes it easy to have on hand to quickly thow this snack together!

  2. Combine all of the ingredients. This can be stored in the fridge for up to 24 hours before consuming.

  3. Enjoy immediately post-workout for optimal muscle repair and recovery.

Yields: 1 Serving

Nutrition Facts

Calories: 182

Protein: 16g

Fat: 4g

Carbohydrates: 24g

Fibre: 3g

* I used PEScience Snickerdoodle Protein which gives great flavour to the recipe. If you use the Snickerdoodle protein, I don't recommend adding extra cinnamon to the recipe. ** the chia seeds are optional but gives the recipe a more "pudding-like" texture. If using the chia seeds, allow the mixture to soak for at least one hour. This gives the chia seeds time to absorb the liquid.

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