It's BRING A FRIEND DAY! Visitors are welcome to join us for a free workout in any class, all day long, at either location.
12 min AMRAP, alternating Row 150m 12 Jumping Lunges 8 Push ups 3 min rest 5 min AMRAP 10 partner over/under 10 syncro DB thrusters
Game Day Nutrition Seminar this Wednesday (tomorrow) at 6:30pm at BRIO South. If you're participating in any of the upcoming competitions, you'll want to get in on this free seminar with Courtney Berg, RD on what to eat and how to plan ahead to unlock your best performance on competition day.
The 28-day Vitality Nutrition Challenge - catch the info session this Thursday at 6:30pm at BRIO East and then get registered! The challenge runs Sept 11 - Oct 8.