Happy Thanksgiving BRIO Fam!
15 Min AMRAP: 15 HSPU 15 KB or DB Step up 15 CTB 15 KB or Db Front Squat Cash out 4 rounds, for quality 5 Ring Layout 2 TGU
11am Monster Mash - A high volume dose of pure CrossFit designed for the experienced CrossFitter
At 0:00
10-->1 Chest to Bar Pull Up
1-->10 Strict HSPU at 10:00 Max Rep Unbroken Set of wall balls
at 18:00 3 min Max Cal Assault Cash out: 3 rounds, for quality With 2 KB's: 5 Cleans 5 Front Squats 5 Strict Press 5 Ring Layout *hands With 1 KB: 5 Snatch 5 OH Lunge 5 OHS (per side) 5 Ring Layout *Feet