Check out all these beauties that ventured to Lloydminster this weekend to compete at Battle on the Border! Old friends, new friends, and friends from other gyms partnered up to put their fitness to the test. It's a brave thing to put yourself out there on the competition floor and we are always so proud of all the fine folks of #teambrio for the effort they put in, the fun they have, and of course the way they support and cheer for each other all the time!
Congrats to Carolanne and her friend Regan (who works out at the Y!) for their 3rd place finish in the Women's Scaled Division! Way to go!!
Thanks to Cujo Conditioning/CrossFit Lloydminster for organizing the whole event and all the amazing volunteers that give up their time to set up, judge, corral, and tear down all just so we can have fun working out together!
10 RFT: 10 hang power snatch (75/55) 10 Sit ups 20 double unders rest 1 min Cashout: 1 min Assault bike sprint