Natacha, with baby Avery on board, doing her #xmasburpees in 2013. The time cap for this workout is 24 hours :-) The TENTH ANNUAL Christmas Day Burpees are happening in just 8 days.
WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Row cals Front Squat (135/95) ----------------------- 11am Monster Mash - a high volume dose of pure CrossFit designed for the experienced CrossFitter
3 rounds 20 CTB Pull ups 20 Wall Balls (30/20lb - 11'/10') OTM x 24 1) 30 sec Romainian DL (165/115) 2) 30 sec HSPU 3) 30 sec Toe 2 Bar or GHD 4) 30 sec Front Squat (165/115) 5 min AMRAP 5-10-15-20-etc unbroken DU's