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Tues Feb 27, 2018

Back Squats OT2min

2 @ 80% (with pause)

2 @ 83% (with pause)

2 @ 85% (with pause)

2 @ 88%

2 @ 90%

5 RFT: 15 Deadlift (155/105lb) 10 Front Rack Lunge 5 Push Press/Jerk


aaaaaaand that's a wrap on 18.1! What a great start to The Open you guys. Thanks to the dozens of you that came out on Saturday to Throwdown and cheer hard for each other. The energy is unlike anything else!! House Red aka The Firebreathers take an early lead in the points thanks, in part, to having the most team members present for Saturday's fitness festivities.

Congrats to this week's award winners:

HUSTLER Award - nominated by her judge, this goes to Jill Van Kessel, who planned to spend the whole 20 min trying to get just a few toes to bar, but ended up smashing 5 WHOLE SETS of them!!

TECHNIQUE Award - Also, nominated by her judge, this goes to Trisha Witt for her smooth style and consistently strong pace each and every round on the rower. Awesome!

SPIRIT Award - goes to House Yellow aka the E-lemon-ators who brought the spirit with decorations, posters, tasty BCAAs, AND combined their efforts with yellow ribbons for their give back challenge which is to raise money for pediatric cancer.

Women's RX:

1st Place - Bonnie Maclean (Yellow)

2nd Place - Courtney Berg (Purple)

3rd Place - Viki Cirkvencic (Blue)

Men's RX:

1st Place - Iain Maclean (Blue)

2nd Place - Jeff Danyliw (Red)

3rd Place - Shane Carriere (Red)

Women's Scaled:

1st Place - Amanda Onishenko (Green)

2nd Place - Tayler McCarty (Green)

3rd Place - Trisha Witt (Green)

Men's Scaled:

1st Place - Troy Wruck (Blue)

2nd Place - Nick Allard (Red)

3rd Place - Roger Parenteau (Red)

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