The Vitality Nutrition 30 Day Challenge Starts Monday! Get the base of your pyramid in order. Register here.
OT90 x 6 Odd - 5 Deadlift at 75% Even - 5 Strict Press @ 75%
5 Min AMRAP 3 Power Clean (155/105) 6 Toe to Bar 9 Air Squat 5 Min Rest 3 Front Squat (155/105) 6 Pull ups 9 Box Jumps (24/20)
6:45pm Weakness WOD
Oly 1) Clean & Jerk – 75% x 3+1 x 2, 80% x 2+1, 85% x 2+1, 90% x 1 2) Clean Pull – 90% x 3 x 3 3)Back Squat – 80% x 5 x 3 Gymnastics 1) Ring MU Negatives - foot assisted 2)1 HSPU to 6 side to side shuffle. - 4 sets 3) OTM x 6 Ring Row + Transition + Ring Dip 4) Tabata V- Sit ups Conditioning Max Distance in 18 min With 8 x 30 fast surges spaced at least 1 min apart