OTM x 30
30sec work, 30 sec rest
1) Back Rack Lunges (155/105)
2) DB Push Press (50/35)
3) GHD sit ups
4) Strict Pull ups
5) Dual KB or DB Deadlift (32/24kg)
by Coach Courtney, RD www.vitalitynutrition.ca
Slow down your eating to improve your health.
The benefits of slow eating include:
Better digestion
Easier weight loss or maintenance
Greater satisfaction with our meals
Most people eat fast. Really fast. Even Registered Dietitians (*cough cough me!*). If you’re like me, you may find yourself neglecting to chew your food properly let alone savour it. A powerful habit Vitality Nutrition clients work towards is eating slowly. Eating slowly is simple but not easy! Busy, rushed, and distracted lifestyles can make eating quickly a tough habit to break. Yet learning to eat slowly is a powerful way to improve your health.
1. Improved digestion
Eating slowly assists digestion. Digestion starts before food enters our mouth! As soon as we see, smell, or think about food we salivate. Saliva moistens the mouth for easier swallowing and contains enzymes that break food down. Large bites of partially broken down food are difficult to breakdown in the stomach and enter the small intestines. These large particles of improperly chewed food can contribute to indigestion. Furthermore, the large particles of food are less accessible for optimal absorption of nutrients. Chewing food thoroughly can improve digestion and nutrient absorption! 2. Weight maintenance or loss
One of the most important benefits of eating slowly is that it gives your body time to recognize that you’re full.
It takes about twenty minutes from the start of a meal for the brain to send out signals of satiety. Try setting a clock at your next meal. Many people eat their meal much faster than 20 minutes! Overeating can occur if you don’t give your body the time to register that it no longer requires food. Eating slowly, on the other hand, gives your body and brain the opportunity to communicate. This makes it easier to eat the appropraite number of calories for your personal energy needs.
3. Feeling Satisfied Eating slowly is an especially helpful habit as we enter the Holiday season. Eating slowly also helps us feel more satisfied. Slowing down means savouring the meal, paying attention to tastes and textures, appreciating each bite, and socializing with others. By slowing down your eating pace you can tune into your taste buds. Our taste buds actually tire after 4-5 bites of a flavour - this is called taste satisfaction. Consider how you can feel stuffed after a large Christmas supper yet still be interested when dessert is offered! This occurs because your taste buds are tired of the savoury flavours but have not yet tired of a sweet taste.

As you enjoy your favorite foods this Holiday season, pay attention to your taste satisfaction. You may find your taste buds tire of a flavour after only a few bites. This may mean you don’t need to finish everything on your plate to feel satisfied or can have a smaller portion of dessert. Instead of restricting your favorite foods this Holiday season, practice eating them slowly! This habit allows you to enjoy all of your favorite holiday foods without going overboard!
Struggling to eat slowly? Consider some tips:

Most of us lead fast-paced lives and it’s understandable that we feel rushed to eat our meals. But it is worth it to take time for your meals! When eat slowly we improve digestion and nutrient absorption, more easily maintain a healthy body weight, and experience greater satisfaction from the meal. Consider implementing the habit of eating slowly to enjoy your favorite foods this Holiday season while maintaining optimal health!