If you weren't able to make it to the event on Saturday night, you can still check out Martin and Sacha's performance at Swinging with the Stars (starts at 13:54)!! Thank you to everyone in the BRIO Community who supported Marty G's fundraising efforts by donating money, decorating gingerbread houses, spinning their buns off at Ryde YXE with coach Jesse, and buying tickets to the event. The Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation is very pleased to be putting all these funds towards a new prone biopsy table for the breast health center.
OTM x 15
1) 10 SDLHP
2) 10 Chest to bar Pull ups
3) HS Walk 25'
For time:
100 Double unders
50 Dumbbell snatches (50/35)
100 Double unders
50 Dumbbell snatches (50/35)
100 Double unders
We're considering sharing the "Week at a Glance" on a regular basis. Would you appreciate seeing the overall themes of the programming each week or do you like the surprise every morning? Let us know!