AM Classes - Regular Schedule at both locations
OTM x 30
1) 30 sec Wall Balls
2) 30 Sec HS walk, Hold or plank
3) 30 Sec Double unders
4) 30 Sec GHD Sit ups
5) 30 Sec KB swings
PM Classes - 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 at East Location
It's 80s night for the final workout of the 2020 CrossFit Open! Everyone is welcome:-)
CrossFit Games Open 20.5
For time:
40 Muscle Ups
80 Cal Row
120 Wall Balls (20lb to 10'/ 14lb to 9')
For time:
40 Chin over bar pull ups
80 Cal Row
120 Wall Balls (14lb to 10'/10lb to 9')
The Dumbbell Demons are collecting items for the SPCA as part of the giveback challenge throughout The Open. The donation bin will be at the gym tonight if you would like to contribute any of the SPCA's most wanted items: