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Friday Mar 12, 2021

Today's the day #teambrio! The 2021 Open starts NOW!! If you are signed in for any class today, you'll get the chance to be both athlete and judge - our own in-house little taste of the sport of CrossFit. Make sure you're familiar with the standards, bring your skipping rope, hike your pants up, and lets have some fun!


1 wall walk 10 double-unders 3 wall walks 30 double-unders 6 wall walks 60 double-unders 9 wall walks 90 double-unders 15 wall walks 150 double-unders 21 wall walks 210 double-unders

Time cap: 15 min.


1 scaled wall walk

10 single-unders

3 scaled wall walks

30 single-unders

6 scaled wall walks

60 single-unders

9 scaled wall walks

90 single-unders

15 scaled wall walks

150 single-unders

21 scaled wall walks

210 single-unders

For full workout description and movement standards visit the Games website here


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