Please note: we've made a few changes to the schedule for tomorrow's Remembrance Day Hero WOD to allow for proper time to clean and to avoid overlap and crowding in the entrances with this long workout. See you there!
Front Squats OT2M x 5 sets
In 6 mins
50/35 Cal Bike
5 HSPU or Push ups
5 Toes to Bar
Nov 21, 22, 28, & 29
5:30pm - 9:00pm
CrossFit BRIO's South location (368 Edson St.)
Ages 13+
This 4 day workshop aims to empower and educate young females. Each day will consist of a weightlifting and CrossFit session, a guest speaker, and one hour of yoga. Information sessions include:
- healthy eating
- healthy sleeping habits
- positive mindset
- mental health
- positive body image
Sign up here or email kids@crossfitbrio.com for more information.