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Friday April 27, 2018

It's officially official: Team BRIO will be represented at the West Regional in Del Mar, California next month!! Congrats to our team roster Carly Neil​, Courtney Berg​, Parker Siemens​, and Patrick Lewis​ and alternates Bonnie Maclean​ and Graham Unruh​.

These guys have each worked their tails off this year alongside all our hardworking competitors and with the support of the greatest community out there!! BRIO absolutely could not have earned a spot at Regionals without the intense energy and support provided by alllllll the cool people who participated in the festivities of The Open!!


7 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15 Deadlift (225/155) Bar Hop Burpee Skill work OTM x 15 1) Pistols 2) HS walk or Wall Walk 3) L-SIt -------------------------------------------

The next BRING A FRIEND Day is Saturday May 5. Visitors are welcome to join us for a free workout in any class, all day long at either location.

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