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Friday Oct 15, 2021

OT90 x 6: 2 Deadlift

Build from 75%

compare to Oct 1


.com 210925

2 rounds for time of:

50/35 Cal Row

25 handstand push-ups [or 50 Push ups]

Partner Version

4 rounds each:

Max HSPU or PU while partner does 25/18 Cal Row


Saturday Oct 23 is the next BRING A FRIEND Day! Visitors are welcome to join us for a free workout in any class, all morning long. Friends can save their spot at Please make sure they are aware that, in keeping with Sask Provincial Health Mandates, everyone is required to show proof of full COVID vaccination status or a negative COVID test from within the preceding 72 hours in order to enter our facility.

Also on Saturday Oct 23 I (Jocelyn) will be running a free Nutrition 101 seminar. For those of you that don't know or are new to BRIO, I'm extremely passionate about Nutrition science and am currently working on a Masters of Science degree in Human Nutrition. Together we'll embark on a 2 hour journey through the basics of nutrition from calories, to the macronutrients, to the hormones related to fat storage, appetite, hunger, and muscle. My goal is to break down complex and overwhelming information into clear and simple concepts that will help you navigate the confusing, and often contradictory world of nutrition science. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend this seminar, but please save a spot ahead of time at


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