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Reminder: One and Done

More than a few people have inquired about a re-do on 17.2, so we thought it was worth reminding all our Open Participants that the policy at BRIO is "One and Done" (refer to how The Open works at BRIO here). That means we will not judge or validate a second attempt at a workout.

And it's not just because we're jerks. It's that a second attempt at a workout is almost never a benefit to your body (although a better score might benefit your ego). 300 dumbbell snatches in a few short days? Terrible. Dozens of toes to bar/bar muscle ups barely 48 hours apart? Stupid. Although The Open is a fun challenge, we also don't want to derail our regular training, take an ego-driven approach, and end up overall less fit at the end of these 5 weeks. This is in line with principle #2 of BRIO: Make Good Choices.

That being said, we occasionally make exceptions to the One and Done policy for our competitors when something is on the line - either contributing to the Team score and helping us qualify for Regionals or the Masters athletes who are trying to make the cut to the next stage of competition. In these cases, a redo of the workout is a BURDEN that falls on our top athletes, certainly not a privilege.

Text exchange with one of our top competitors. Even with the option to re-do, this person knows it's a bad decision based on the wrong priorities.

For the vast majority of us, The Open is the end of the road as far as the competitive season goes. The Open is our Regionals. It is our CrossFit Games. With that in mind, we want you to approach every Saturday as you would a competition. In competition there are no do-overs the day after the event is over and everyone has packed up and gone home. You don't get a second chance because you ripped your hands or you didn't get the bar you like best. You give it your best effort when it counts and you leave satisfied that you tried your hardest. This follows principle #3 of BRIO: Leave No Doubt.

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