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Friday Aug 4, 2017

A truly amazing first day for Iain at the CrossFit Games!! He took 2nd place in the Run Swim Run event and then fan favorite "Pumped Up Iain" made an appearance in the 1RM snatch event where he pulled out a 240lb lift (a freaking 15lb PR) to tie for 6th. Overall he's sitting in SECOND PLACE after day 1!

Today Iain will be taking on Assault Lunge (the workout we did on Tuesday) at 8:10am, the sprint Obstacle Course at 12:07pm, and then Bar Fight (which we programmed on Monday) at 2:32pm. Keep sending your good vibes down to Madison! It's obviously working!


OT90 x 8 max reps: Odd: Pull up (OH/UH/Wide/Ring) Even: Push up (Reg/Narrow/wide/reg)

7 Min AMRAP 10 Thrusters (95/65) 30 Double unders

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