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Sunday Sept 24, 2017

9-15-21 Thrusters Burpees OTM x 20

1) Strict Pull Ups

2) RDLs

3) Ring Plank Hold

4) Double Kettlebell Press


11am Monster Mash

Team series event 1 9-15-21 reps of: Synchro thrusters (95/65) Synchro burpees Rest 15 mins Team Series event 2 120 double-unders, each 120 chest-to-bar pull-ups, total 120 hang power snatches, total 120 double-unders, each

Skill Work:

Glute Ham Raises

12 Single Arm KB Presses (lunge stance) + 12 OH Walking Lunges per arm

5 Strict Toes thru Rings + L Sit Hold + Skin the Cat

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