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Friday June 14, 2019

Row 500m

3 rounds

- 12 Push Press (135/95)

- 8 BMU

Row 500m


OTM x 10

Odd: Hollow body Rock

Even: Back Ext or Superman Hold


Happy Pride Brio!

This year the Saskatoon Pride Festival runs from June 14 – 22, 2019. The Saskatoon Pride Festival, hosted by the Saskatoon Diversity Network, is an annual festival providing an accessible space in which to celebrate queerness, fostering community pride, and raising awareness of queer culture within the larger community.

Pride represents the positive stance against the discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited and queer (LGBT2Q+) people. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and the 38th Anniversary of the Toronto Bath Raids.

In the early hours of June 28, 1969, New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. The raid sparked a riot among bar patrons and neighbourhood residents as police roughly hauled employees and patrons out of the bar, leading to six days of protests and violent clashes with law enforcement. The Stonewall Riots served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement around the world.

On 5 February 1981, patrons of four bathhouses in downtown Toronto were surprised by 200 police officers in a series of coordinated raids, called “Operation Soap.” Bathhouse patrons were subjected to excessive behaviour by police, including verbal taunts about their sexuality. When the night was over, 286 men were charged for being found in a common bawdy house, while 20 were charged for operating a bawdy house. It was, up to that time, the largest single arrest in Toronto’s history. Most of those arrested were found innocent of the charges. The raids marked a turning point for Toronto and Canada’s gay community, as the protests that followed indicated they would no longer endure derogatory treatment from the police, media and the public.

This year Brio will show its support with a Pride WOD: “Our Best Judy” tomorrow (June 15). Judy Garland, Dorothy from the Wizard in Oz, was a gay icon. In the film, Dorothy is accepting of those who are different. The phrase “Friend of Dorothy” has been used since World War II to identify sexual orientation without others being aware.

We will be collecting donations at both locations for OUT Saskatoon. Thank you for your support and see you on Saturday!

- Coach Jesse

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