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Wed Mar 3, 2021

5 min max of:

1) Unbroken sets of 5/3 bar muscle ups


2) Unbroken sets of 10/5 chest to bar pull ups


3) Unbroken sets of 5 pull ups

5 min max of: Unbroken sets of 10 Thrusters (95/65 or your "Fran" weight)

5 min max of:

1) Unbroken sets of 40 double unders


2) Double Unders


3) Single skips


Happy Birthday today to Kaitlin M!


Curious about Keto? Join me (Jocelyn) this Saturday at 3pm at the gym or via zoom for a seminar all about the ins and outs of a ketogenic diet. What is it? Is it dangerous? Who should do it? Can you do CrossFit and Keto? How would you start? and more!


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