Work with a professional that understands your sport to improve your mobility, nutrition, or recovery!

Courtney Berg, RD
Courtney Berg is a Registered Dietitian and the owner of Vitality Nutrition. She uses her education combined with her experience as a CrossFit Coach, Regional Team Athlete, and National Level Weightlifter to create a more thorough, meaningful approach to nutrition counselling.
A part of the BRIO community since 2012, you can find Courtney coaching on Friday afternoons at our East Location.
Website: www.vitalitynutrition.ca
Phone Number: (306) 292-6419
E-mail: courtney@vitalitynutrition.ca
Instagram: @vitalitynutrition_

Dr. Julie Darchuk
Dr. Julie pursued her education in chiropractic after watching her father suffer from years of chronic low back pain. At a young age she attended multiple appointments with her father where she saw first hand the value of chiropractic. “I became passionate about helping my father reach his full potential through regular chiropractic care allowing him to achieve his goals. Unfortunately, his life was cut short tragically and I did not have that opportunity. These experiences ignited a passion within me to help others achieve their goals through chiropractic.”
Interested in chiropractic, crossfit, health, and wellness, Dr. Julie studied kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan. She then continued her education at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto, Ontario where she graduated with a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Outside the office Dr. Julie enjoys being physically active, training for Crossfit and spending time outdoors. She values spending time with her family and friends as well as relaxing at her family cabin. Dr. Julie has been an avid CrossFitter since 2012 and a part of the BRIO Community since moving to Saskatoon in 2016. Find her coaching classes on Monday nights at our East Location!
Website: www.confedchiro.com
Address: Suite 20 - 207 Fairmont Dr. Saskatoon, SK
Phone: 306-978-7788

Tyler Van Impe-Selinger, BSc, MPT
Tyler has a Masters of Physiotherapy and has used his lifelong passion for sports to develop the Sports Division at Mackie Physiotherapy. He specializes in helping gymnasts, weightlifters, and CrossFit athletes to train and heal effectively so they can continue to perform at a high level for years to come.
You'll find Tyler providing sideline care, looking after the BRIO athletes at competitions, meets, and during The Open.
Website: www.mackiephysio.com
Address: 3012 Arlington Avenue Saskatoon, SK
Phone: (306) 955-7888